Cell子刊:Molecular Therapy介绍和投稿指南


期刊名缩写:MOL THER




出版国家或地区:UNITED STATES;出版周期:Monthly


是否OA开放访问:No;Gold OA文章占比:84.62%




期刊宗旨: https://www.cell.com/molecular-therapy-family/aims for detailed guidelines and further information on Molecular Therapy family aims and scope.

期刊收录:Molecular Therapy is indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Scopus, PubMed, and PubMed Central, and offers open-access publishing options.


  • 2021年12月升级版:
大类 小类学科 Top 综述期刊
医学 1区
  • 2021年12月基础版:
大类 小类学科 Top 综述期刊
医学 1区

Code of ethics

MT only publishes articles that have not been previously published. With the submission of a manuscript, the authors confirm that the submitted manuscript is original, has not already been published in whole or in substantial part elsewhere, and does not infringe upon the copyright or other rights of any other person(s). Furthermore, the author certifies that the submission is not currently under consideration by any other journal. Any act of plagiarism, dual submission, fraud, or image manipulation will lead to rejection of the submitted manuscript.

Use of AI-assisted technologies in scientific writing

Declaration of generative AI in scientific writing

The below guidance only refers to the writing process, and not to the use of AI tools to analyze and draw insights from data as part of the research process.

Where authors use generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process, authors should only use these technologies to improve readability and language. Applying the technology should be done with human oversight and control, and authors should carefully review and edit the result, as AI can generate authoritative-sounding output that can be incorrect, incomplete or biased. AI and AI-assisted technologies should not be listed as an author or co-author, or be cited as an author. Authorship implies responsibilities and tasks that can only be attributed to and performed by humans, as outlined in Elsevier’s AI policy for authors.

Authors should disclose in their manuscript the use of AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process by following the instructions below. A statement will appear in the published work. Please note that authors are ultimately responsible and accountable for the contents of the work.

Disclosure instructions
Authors must disclose the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process by adding a statement at the end of their manuscript in the core manuscript file, before the References list. The statement should be placed in a new section entitled ‘Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process’.

Statement: During the preparation of this work the author(s) used [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] in order to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the publication.

This declaration does not apply to the use of basic tools for checking grammar, spelling, references etc. If there is nothing to disclose, there is no need to add a statement.


Original Research Article

Original research articles should present the results of basic, translational, or clinical studies. The article should be organized as follows: abstract, introduction, results, discussion, materials & methods, data availability statement, acknowledgments, author contributions, declaration of interests statement, 5-10 keywords, references, tables, and a list of figure legends. Additional requirements include:

  • Unstructured abstract of no more than 200 words
  • No more than 8 display items (figures and tables). Additional display items can be published online as supplemental material
  • Graphical abstract/eTOC
  • Unsolicited submissions considered

Review Article

Review articles should focus on recent advancements of broad interest to those in the field. Reviews should critically evaluate new developments, place these developments in the broader context of the field, engage in some speculation regarding future directions, and support all points with appropriate references to the literature. At least one author must be an expert in the topic and actively involved in writing the article; thus, authorship of reviews is limited to a maximum of 5 authors. The article should be organized as follows: introduction, text, acknowledgments, author contributions, declaration of interest statement, 5-10 keywords, references, tables, and a list of figure legends. Additional requirements include:

  • Unstructured abstract of no more than 200 words
  • No more than 8 display items (figures and tables). Additional display items can be published online as supplemental material
  • No more than 100 references
  • Graphical abstract/eTOC
  • Unsolicited submissions considered

Clinical Perspective   

Clinical Perspectives should present advancements and guidance regarding the implementation of gene and cell therapies in the clinic from the perspective of an expert clinician. These articles should be focused on a specific disease or family of diseases and provide best practices for treatment, diagnostic approaches, novel descriptions of disease etiolology, unique clinical presentations, or current challenges. Authors should attempt to link the molecular mechanisms of the disease(s) to clincial presentations and responses to gene and cell therapeutics. The article should be organized as follows: abstract, introduction, main text, conclusions, acknowledgments, author contributions, declaration of interest statement, 5-10 keywords, references, tables, and figure legends.

  • Unstructured abstract of no more than 200 words
  • No more than 8 display items (figures and tables)
  • Additional display items can be published online as supplemental material
  • No more than 250 references
  • Graphical abstract/eTOC
  • Unsolicited submissions considered


Commentaries should provide short descriptions and analyses of important research published in Molecular Therapy or other journals. Include a declaration of interest statement before the references. Additional requirements include:

  • Maximum of 1200 words, excluding disclosures and references
  • No more than 1-2 display items (figures and tables)
  • Maximum of 10 references
  • By invitation only


Opinions are articles discussing important topics and controversies relevant to gene and cell therapy. The opinion should be written from a personal standpoint, and the topic should be approved by the editor-in-chief prior to submission. Include a declaration of interest statement before the references. Additional requirements include:

  • Maximum of 1200 words, excluding disclosures and references
  • No more than 1-2 display items (figures and tables)
  • Maximum of 10 references
  • By invitation only

Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor should present short, succinct statements and/or opinions responding to articles published in Molecular Therapy or other journals or commenting on events that have an impact on the field as a whole. Additional requirements include:

  • Maximum of 300 words, excluding disclosures and references
  • No display items
  • Maximum of 5 references
  • Unsolicited submissions considered


General guidelines for all submissions:

General guidelines for all submissions:

  • Submit your manuscript file in Word format
  • Include a cover letter on institutional letterhead
  • Set your ORCID profile to “Public View” and ensure it is updated with your complete education, employment, and publication record. If you are unsure how to change the visibility settings in ORCID, please review this information: https://support.orcid.org/hc/en-us/articles/360006897614-Visibility-settings
  • Have all co-authors confirm their authorship after submission
  • Provide an institutional email address for the corresponding author
  • Supply funding information if relevant
  • Name files in a manner that reflects the content of the files (i.e., Manuscript, Table 1, Figure 1, etc.)
  • Include a single paragraph abstract of 200 words or less
  • Double space the text
  • Number the pages
  • Include line numbering (use “continuous” from beginning to end)
  • Number figures, tables, and equations sequentially using Arabic numbers
  • Define all abbreviations and acronyms at first mention
  • Use upper/lower case letters and bold/italic type to distinguish between different levels of headers, no numbering please

The following items are required for submission:

  • Cover letter – Place your letter on institutional letterhead. In the letter, please explain the conceptual advance provided by your work and the relevance to our readers. Please use the cover letter to notify us of information that is relevant to our handling and evaluation of your paper (e.g., related work, time constraints, competition). The cover letter is confidential and will not be seen by reviewers.
  • Manuscript (see article type above for mandatory sections and outline) – include the title, author names, affiliations, contact information, disclosures, references, list of figure captions, and tables.  For the first round of review, the figures can be included after the tables in your Manuscript file.
  • High-resolution figures (optional for first round of review) – provide high resolution figures in TIFF or PDF format, each as a separate file under the “Figure” category. All panels of a figure must fit on a single 8 1/2 x 11 page. 
  • Supplemental material (optional) – submit ONE “publication-ready” comprehensive PDF file containing all supplemental text sections (first), tables with the caption above each table, figures with the caption below each figure, movie titles + legends, and references. Do not include a title page for this file as the publisher will add a cover sheet. Submit this file under the “Supplemental Information” category. 

For revised papers, submit the following, in addition to the items above:

  • Response to reviews – respond to each comment from the reviewers and editors in a separate document. Include the comment, followed by your response in a different color. Upload this file under the “Response to Reviewers” category.  The cover letter should briefly summarize how the revised manuscript addresses these comments.
  • Annotated manuscript – include a highlighted version of your manuscript showing the changes that have been made in the revised version of the manuscript. Upload this file under the “Revised Manuscript with Changes Highlighted” category.  Do not use and submit track changes documents.

Before submitting your manuscript, read it carefully to ensure that your work has been presented clearly and concisely. If your first language is not English, ask a colleague to review the paper and help with the grammar. A paper whose meaning is unclear may inadvertently be denied publication through misunderstanding.

Title page—page 1

The title page should include the following:

  • Brief, informative title of three lines maximum, 47 characters (including spaces) per line
  • Authors’ full names, departments, and institutions (indicate affiliations numerically with numbers placed after authors’ names and before the institutions; indicate the corresponding author using the format “Correspondence should be addressed to A.S. (johnsmith@university.edu)”
  • City, state, and country in which the work was done
  • Corresponding author’s address, telephone, fax, and email (institutional email address required)
  • Short title of 50 characters or less, including spaces

Abstract—page 2

  • Must be a single paragraph and not exceed 200 words
  • Briefly summarize the main findings of the paper without headings
  • Do not include abbreviations or acknowledgments and do not refer to footnotes or references— write with a general scientific audience in mind

Introduction (all submissions)

The article should begin with a brief introductory statement that places the work in perspective and explains its intent and significance. The Introduction should be as concise as possible and should not be longer than two double-spaced typed pages.

Results (Original Research Articles)

The results section should briefly present the data in text, tables, or figures.

Discussion (Original Research Articles)

The discussion should focus on the interpretation and significance of the findings with concise objective comments that describe their relation to other work in the area. It should not repeat information from the results. The results and discussion sections should not be combined.

Materials and methods (Original Research Articles)

This section should include an explanation of statistical methods and sufficient detail of procedures so that readers are able to reproduce the experiments from the information in the methods section, figure legends, table footnotes, and references. Please provide the manufacturer’s name and location (city, state if within the United States; city, country if outside the United States) for materials purchased.

Data availability statement (Original Research Articles)

All published manuscripts reporting original research must include a data availability statement. The data availability statement must make the conditions of access to the minimum dataset that are necessary to interpret, verify and extend the research in the article transparent to readers.

Acknowledgments (all submissions)

All authors are expected to disclose all funding sources—institutional and corporate—as well as any commercial affiliations or consultancies, stock or equity interests, or patent-licensing arrangements that could be considered to pose a financial conflict of interest related to the submitted manuscript. This information must be included at this stage and will be published as part of the paper.

Author contributions (all submissions)

Please use this section to include information about each author’s contributions. Please be concise and use initials to indicate author identity. You may use a traditional format (e.g., A.B. and C.D. conducted the experiments; E.F. designed the experiments and wrote the paper), but we would encourage you to use the CRediT taxonomy (https://credit.niso.org/).

Declaration of interests (all submissions)

Financial conflicts of interest can influence results and the interpretation of those results. For these reasons, we require you to declare any such interests in your cover letter and in a separate “Declaration of Interests” section before the References in your manuscript, both for research and review articles. Conflicts include the following:

  • affiliation with a yearly financial benefit exceeding $10,000
  • greater than 5% ownership of a company with related interests
  • research funding by a company with related interests

Keywords (all submissions)

Include 5-10 keywords in this section.


Only articles that have been published or are in press should be included in the reference list. Unpublished results or personal communications should be cited as such in parentheses in the text. Personal communications must include the source’s name and the year, e.g., “(L. Chen, personal communication, 2013).” Submitted manuscripts should be cited as follows: “(J. Smith and R. Davis, manuscript submitted).”

References should be cited in the text in numerical order (1, 2, 3, …, n), in order of appearance. The citations should be superscripted (for example, “Jones and colleagues found that…3“) and placed after all punctuation (e.g., after commas and periods). Arrange the reference list in numerical order beginning with the references cited in the text, followed by those cited only in the figure legends and tables. For references with more than ten authors, list the first ten authors followed by et al. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to PubMed.


  1. Zhong, L., Archer, E.S.J., Holmgren, A., Smith, J., Taylor, N.M., Jr, Franklin B.R., III, John, B.L., Holmgren, A., Arner, E.S., Davis, R., et al. (2000). Structure of mammalian thioredoxin reductase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 1311–1319.
  2. Hagag, N., and Viola, M.V. (1993). Chromosome Microdissection and Cloning: A Practical Guide (San Diego, CA: Academic Press), p. 179.
  3. Harley, N.H., and Vivian, L. (1974). Invading microorganisms. In Mechanisms of Disease, 4th edition, W.A. Sodeman and Smith, eds. (Philadelphia, PA: Saunders), pp 457–472.
  4. US Department of Health and Human Hypertension in the United States, 2009. Report 12345, pp 445-449. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 2010.
  5. World Health Organization (2011). Management of severe malnutrition: a manual for http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/1999/a57361.pdf.

List of figure captions/legends

Include this section in your Manuscript file after the References. Do not include the captions/legends on your high-resolution figures.


Tables should be presented at the end of the manuscript, numbered sequentially (1, 2, 3), and cited in chronological order in the text. Include an informative title placed above each table. You do not need to provide a table legend, but please supply information such as the description of the experiment, definition of columns or abbreviations, etc. in footnotes to the title and table contents. Label footnotes with superscripted lowercase Arabic letters (a, b, c, etc.), not symbols. Define errors in the table by a footnote (e.g., “mean + SD” or “mean + SEM.”) Authors should ensure that the data in the tables are consistent with those cited in the relevant papers in the text, totals add up correctly, and percentages have been calculated correctly.

When creating a table, please use the Microsoft Word Table function. Tables not created with the Microsoft Word table function may need to be revised by the author.

When creating tables, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Do not submit tables in Excel or PDF format. Do not paste a table into Word as an image or from another program (e.g., Excel).
  • Format tables with Word’s table function; do not use tabs or spaces to create a table.
  • Tables should be in black and white; rows and columns should not be shaded.
  • Do not use line breaks or spaces to separate data within a cell. Use separate cells for all discrete data elements within a table.
  • Number distinct tables as Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc. Do not use table parts (Table 1a, Table 1b, Table 1c, etc.)
  • If bold or italic font is used within a table to indicate some feature of the data, provide an explanation of its usage in the legend.
  • Table captions should be placed above each table.
  • All abbreviations within a table must be defined in the table legend or footnotes.
  • Footnotes should be listed with superscript lowercase letters, beginning with “a.” Footnotes may not be listed with numbers or symbols.


Submit your high-resolution figures in TIFF or PDF format, each as a separate file under the “Figure” category. The file names should reflect the contents (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). All panels of a figure must fit on a single 8 1/2 x 11 page. Make sure to put them in sequential order on the upload screen so that they appear in sequential order in your PDF file. Include a “List of Figure Captions” after the References. Each figure legend should have a brief title that describes the entire figure without citing specific panels, followed by a description of each panel. For any figures presenting pooled data, the measures should be defined in the figure legends (for example, “Data are represented as mean ± SEM.”). Each legend should refer to any supporting items in the supplemental information (e.g., “See also Figure S1.”).

To avoid size reduction, authors should submit artwork of exact column measurements and crop out unnecessary areas (1 column = 86.50 mm; 2 columns = 178 mm). Most figures should be presented at 1 column width (or quarter page in size).

Graphical abstract (required for original research articles and reviews)

A graphical abstract allows readers to quickly gain an understanding of the main message of the paper. It should be an illustration and should not contain any original data images. Upload this file under the “Graphical Abstract” category, in TIFF, PDF or JPEG format.  See our full guidelines at: https://www.cell.com/pb/assets/raw/shared/figureguidelines/GA_guide.pdf

eTOC synopsis (required for original research articles and reviews)

The eTOC synopsis is a short summary of the main message of the paper. This synopsis should be 50 words or fewer, written in paragraph format, and should describe the context and significance of the findings for the broader readership. The goal is to highlight the major conceptual advance in the paper to attract the attention of the non-specialist without including extensive experimental detail. It should be written in the third person and refer to “Corresponding Author(s) and colleagues.” Upload this file as a Word document under the “eTOC Synopsis” category.

Supplemental material (optional)

In general, please limit supplemental material to data and other materials that directly support the main conclusions of your paper but cannot be included in the main paper due to space or file format restrictions. Supplemental Material should not be used to present data that are preliminary or that conceptually go beyond the main point of the paper.

Please adhere to the following guidelines for Supplemental Material:

  • Do not include supplemental material in the manuscript file.
  • Submit one “publication-ready” comprehensive PDF file containing all supplemental text sections (first), tables with the caption above each table, figures with the caption below each figure, movie titles and legends, and references. Upload this file under the “Supplemental Information” category.
  • If a supplemental table cannot fit onto two 8.5″ x 11″ pages, please instead supply the table as an Excel file, and include the caption in your Supplemental Material file so that readers know to look for this file. Excel files and movies should be uploaded under the “Supplemental Videos and Spreadsheets” category.
  • Do NOT include a title page (paper title, author list, affiliations, table of contents, etc.) in the PDF, as we will add a cover sheet in house with this information.
  • Label all equations, tables, and figures beginning with an “S” (i.e., Table S1, S2, Figure S1, S2).
  • Any headings you include should refer to the material as “Supplemental”, never use “Supplementary”.
  • Include page numbers in this document. Do not include line numbers.

Before submitting your supplemental materials, please refer to our complete instructions in the supplemental information guidelines. This page also contains information on submitting movie and other multimedia files.

3-minute video abstract (optional for original research articles)

A 3-minute video abstract allows you to quickly communicate the main findings of your paper and place them in a broader context for your readers. The 3-minute video abstracts will appear on the article page, with select videos promoted online by ASGCT. Please see the additional requirements below:

  • Accessible: use clear language and avoid jargon so that you can be understood by viewers outside your field. Please also include a written transcript in a .doc or .docx file.
  • Audible: use a plug-in microphone and record your video somewhere quiet to minimize background noise.
  • Concise: your video should be 3 minutes or less
  • High-quality: videos should have a minimum resolution of 720p, with 1080p preferred. The recording device should be placed on a tripod or stand. Please reach out to your institution to see what recording equipment is available to you
  • Informative: clearly explain the objective of your study, how you conducted the study, your findings, and what your findings mean in a broader context
  • Readable: please upload your video in a common, readable format (.mp4, .mov, .mpg, .avi). The .mp4 format is preferred. Your file size should not exceed 150 MB.
  • Visual: use images, illustrations, text, etc. to convey the key points of your article. Make sure all visuals can be seen clearly and all text is legible
  • Well-lit: if you choose to appear in front of the camera, please use proper lighting so that your face is clearly visible. If an overhead light casts on a shadow on your face, use a ring light to illuminate it.

The Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Office will review your submitted video to ensure that it meets our quality standards. Low-resolution video and/or distorted audio will not be published. If you have any questions regarding the creation or submission of your video, please contact the Editorial Office at mt@asgct.org.

Who is an author?

Guidelines on authorship

As per the ICMJE guidelines on authorship, a person can qualify to be an author only if they meet all of the following criteria:

1) Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND

2) Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND

3) Final approval of the version to be published; AND

4) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

In addition to being accountable for the parts of the work they have performed, an author should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for specific other parts of the work. In addition, authors should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their co-authors.

All those designated as authors should meet all four criteria for authorship, and all who meet the four criteria should be identified as authors. Those who do not meet all four criteria should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgements section.  All individuals who meet the first criterion should have the opportunity to participate in the review, drafting, and final approval of the manuscript.

Transfer of papers between Molecular Therapy journals

Although each Molecular Therapy journal is editorially independent, we have a robust transfer system in the Molecular Therapy family of journals (Molecular Therapy, Molecular Therapy-Nucleic AcidsMolecular Therapy-Oncolytics, and Molecular Therapy-Methods & Clinical Development) that seamlessly transfers your manuscript, along with the reviews, from one journal to another.

If the journal you submit your paper to is unable to consider your paper and it is deemed appropriate for one of the other journals in the family, your paper will automatically be transferred if you agreed to participate in the transfer system at submission. The new journal will immediately consider your paper without any further action from you.

Preprint servers

We will consider for publication manuscripts that have been posted on a preprint server (but not a virtual journal) as long as the author has retained copyright of their work. During the submission process, authors will be asked if the submission, or any significant portion thereof, has been posted on a preprint server and to confirm that they have retained copyright. Questions related to this policy should be directed to mt@asgct.org.

Data and image processing

Please limit post-acquisition processing of data. When necessary, please keep processing minimal and ensure that the final figures accurately reflect the original data. In general, please make all processing transparent. Here are some specific guidelines:

  • Any adjustments to brightness, contrast, saturation, etc. should be applied to the entire image. When this is impossible (e.g., when one color channel in a microscopy image is altered), please clearly explain the alteration in the figure legend.
  • No specific feature within an image may be enhanced, obscured, moved, removed, or introduced, including backgrounds.
  • If you crop lanes from gels and blots or consolidate gels and blots in any way, please clearly explain the alterations in the figure legend and note the boundaries of cropped lanes with a clearly visible solid or dotted line.
  • Only compare data that are appropriate to compare (e.g., data from the same experiment).
  • Individual images should not be used in multiple figures unless the figures describe different aspects of the same experiment (e.g., multiple experiments were performed simultaneously with a single control experiment). If an image is used in multiple figures, please clearly state the reason and the locations of the image in the appropriate figure legend.
  • The editors, at their discretion, may request any or all original data files for examination by the reviewers and/or editors. Failure to provide original data upon request may result in rejection of your manuscript.
  • Cases of deliberate misrepresentation of data will result in revocation of acceptance and may be reported to the corresponding author’s institution or funding agency.

Image screening

We screen all accepted papers for image irregularities. If there is a question about a figure, either throughout this process or during the review process, we will work with the lead contact to resolve the issue. Generally, we will request the original, unedited images and supporting data. As the final step before submission, we encourage you to go over all the figures once more and connect all the data in the figures to the original, unprocessed data in case questions arise during review.

Data archiving

We may ask you for your original, unprocessed data, so please take appropriate steps to preserve those data. We recommend that you save all unprocessed data related to your paper and distribute copies of those data to all co-authors. Alternatively, you can upload your original data to Mendeley Data, Dryad, or other appropriate figure/data repositories. If questions about your findings arise, failure to produce original data will make resolution of the issues difficult and can be grounds for retraction.

Studies involving humans and animals

Clinical trials: As defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), a clinical trial is any research project that prospectively assigns human subjects to intervention and comparison groups to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a medical intervention and a health outcome. A medical intervention is any intervention used to modify a health outcome and includes but is not limited to drugs, surgical procedures, devices, behavioral treatments, and process-of-care changes. A trial must have at least one prospectively assigned concurrent control or comparison group to trigger the requirement for registration. Non-randomized trials are not exempt from the registration requirement if they meet the above criteria.

If your manuscript reports studies on human subjects, please include a statement in the materials and methods section that (1) confirms you received informed consent from all subjects and (2) identifies the committee that approved the studies.

Molecular Therapy journals subscribe to the standards set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in The Lancet (364, 911–912, 2004), requiring that all trials that start enrolling participants after July 1, 2005 must be registered in a suitable publicly accessible register before that date in order to be considered for publication in the Journal. Those trials that started enrollment before July 1, 2005 must register before September 13, 2005 to be considered for publication. Suggested registers include ClinicalTrials.Gov and Current Controlled Trials.

Animals: If your manuscript reports studies on live vertebrates or higher invertebrates, please include a statement in the Materials and Methods section that (1) identifies the committee that approved the studies and (2) confirms that all experiments conform to all relevant regulatory standards. Please refer to ARRIVE guidelines (https://arriveguidelines.org/). If we have any concerns, we may contact you for additional information and seek comments from reviewers.

Distribution of materials and data

If you publish in Molecular Therapy journals, you must be willing to distribute materials and protocols to qualified researchers with minimal restrictions and in a timely manner. Any restrictions need to be disclosed in the cover letter and in the Materials and Methods at the time of submission. You may request reasonable payment for maintenance and transport of materials. Materials include but are not limited to cells, DNA, antibodies, reagents, organisms, and mouse strains or, if necessary, the relevant ES cells. Datasets must be made freely available to readers at the time of publication and must be provided to editors and peer reviewers at submission; any restrictions must be disclosed in the cover letter and Materials and Methods at the time of submission.

For the following types of data, submission of the full dataset to a community-endorsed, public repository is mandatory upon submission of your article to the journal. Accession numbers must be provided in the paper (see “database linking” below for specific formatting instructions). Examples of appropriate public repositories are listed below.

DNA and protein sequences

  • Protein sequences: Uniprot
  • DNA and RNA sequences: Genbank/European Nucleotide Archive (ENA)/DDBJ, Protein DataBank, UniProt
  • DNA sequencing data (traces and short reads): Sequence Read Archive
  • Deep sequencing data: GEO or ArrayExpress

The sequences of all RNAi, antisense, and morpholino probes must be included in the paper or deposited in a public database with the accession number provided in the paper.

Human genomic data reporting newly described SNPs and CNVs identified in control samples should be deposited in an appropriate repository such as dbSNP, the Database of Genomic Variants Archive (DGVa), or the Database of Genomic Structural Variation (dbVAR).

We encourage but do not require the deposition of human sequencing data in an appropriate repository such as dbGaP. We expect that, if data collected for a published paper cannot be included in the paper or made accessible in a public repository, then authors will accommodate legitimate requests for sharing of human genetics data if there are no IRB restrictions.

Structures of biological macromolecules

The atomic coordinates and related experimental data (structure factor amplitudes/intensities and/or NMR restraints), as well as electron microscopy-derived density maps, must be deposited at a member site of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB). The corresponding database IDs must be included in the manuscript. Authors must agree to release the atomic coordinates and experimental data when the associated article is published. Additionally, if your paper reports a new x-ray structure, you must include the PDB validation report as part of the Supplemental Information of your initial submission.

Microarray data

MIAME-compliant microarray data: GEO or ArrayExpress.

Other datasets

In addition to the information that must be deposited in public databases as detailed above, authors are encouraged to contribute additional information to the appropriate databases. Authors are also encouraged to deposit materials used in their studies in the appropriate repositories for distribution to researchers.

Examples of repositories that facilitate sharing large datasets, including some that offer the option of anonymous referee access to data before publication, include the following:

  • for proteomics data: PRIDE, PeptideAtlas
  • for protein interaction data: IMEx consortium of databases, including DIP, IntAct, and MINT
  • for chemical compound screening and assay data: PubChem

Where there is no public repository and the datasets are too large to submit to the journal online, authors should consult the journal editorial office.

Database linking

We encourage you to connect your article with external databases by giving readers one-click access to relevant databases that help to build a better understanding of the described research. Please refer to relevant database identifiers using the following format in your article: “Database: xxxx” for single accession numbers and “Database: xxxx, yyyy, zzzz” for multiple accession numbers (e.g., “Genbank: NM_000492”; “GEO: GSE6364”; “PDB: 1TUP, 1KW4, 3H5X”). See

https://www.elsevier.com/authors/author-resources/research-data/data-base-linking for more information and a full list of supported databases.


If excerpts from other copyrighted works are included in your manuscript, you must obtain written permission from the copyright owners and credit the sources in the article. If you have adapted a figure from a published figure, please check with the copyright owners to see if permission is required and include a complete citation/reference for the original article. Obtaining permissions can take up to several weeks. As lack of appropriate permissions can delay publication, we recommend that you request permission at the time of submission.

Prepublication publicity/embargo policy

You are welcome to present and discuss at scientific meetings material intended for publication in Molecular Therapy journals; however, please do not discuss your findings with the media beyond your formal presentation. An embargo date is not automatically set for articles because accepted manuscripts are usually published online within two days of formal acceptance. If your institution would like to submit an embargoed press release, please let us know as soon as possible if you’d like to embargo this article and we will work with you to set a date. Additionally, please do not discuss in-press papers in review articles before publication. However, you can discuss your embargoed paper with other scientific journals if the paper will be covered in review or news material that is intended to coincide or follow publication of your paper.

If you have any questions about our pre-publication policies, or if your institutional press office wishes to issue a press release, please contact our press office, press@cell.com.

An overview of the rights that Molecular Therapy authors retain, the options for sharing articles at various stages, the duration of embargo periods, as well as open access options is available at  http://www.cell.com/rights-sharing-embargoes.

Production and proofs

Once your paper is accepted, we will begin the production process. At this stage, only minor grammatical changes are allowed, and any other changes will be subject to review and may delay publication. If you will be unreachable at all during this period or anticipate any problems with the following timeline, please contact mt@asgct.org.

Online publication of the accepted materials

The accepted materials of your article will be posted online within 3-5 business days of beginning the production process.

Copyediting and proofs

Your article will be copyedited to adhere to journal style and grammar. Once copyediting has been completed, your article will be typeset. Once typesetting has been completed, you will receive an email from Cell Press with a link to the proofs of your article. All queries must be addressed, and corrections must be submitted before your article can proceed with the publication process.


When you receive the proof of your corrected article, you will have 24 hours to make vital changes. This will be the last opportunity to make any changes to your corrected article before publication. Once your corrections have been typeset, your article will be posted online. This process typically takes 5-7 business days from the time your corrections are received.


Please be aware that we may resize figures during the production process.

Costs 版面费

Molecular Therapy is supported by revenue from subscriptions. However, an open access option is available.

All papers that have been submitted to the journal will be charged the following open access fee: $3,200 for members and $3,900 for non-members (plus VAT where applicable). The member discount applies only to the first or corresponding/senior author if an active ASGCT member.

We offer two Creative Commons licenses:

  • Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-ND)
  • Creative Commons Attribution 0 International License (CC-BY)

We have worked with institutions and funding bodies to help authors comply with open access policies. Please see our funding body policies page for complete information on gold and green open access options for each funding body, as well as information about deposition to PubMed Central. More details about open access options and embargo periods for each Molecular Therapy journal are available at http://www.cell.com/rights-sharing-embargoes.

Page charges

Page charges are dependent on status as an ASGCT member. If your paper is accepted, charges will be assessed as follows:

  • Manuscripts with a first or corresponding/senior author who is an active ASGCT member: $64 per page up to eight printed pages and $128 per page thereafter.
  • Manuscripts with a first or corresponding/senior author who is an associate or non- ASGCT member: $116 per page up to eight printed pages and $180 per page thereafter.


Offprints may be ordered via an online form when your article is accepted for publication.


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